【KAFEN Snail Restore Treatment 760ml】
Suitable for dry, damaged, split ends, permed/coloured & combination hair scalp. It has super moisturizing function, which restores dry hair to health and reproduces bright luster.
Maintains a lustrous color after dyeing and restores elasticity and toughness.
Contains a variety of plant extracts, deep and strong hair.
【KAFEN蜗牛极致护发素 760ml】
适合对象: 头发容易毛躁,分岔,染烫后缺乏弹性及无光泽等需要补充的发质。
功效: 具有超强保湿功能,使干燥发质恢复健康,重现亮丽光泽。 保持染后发色光泽,恢复弹性及韧性。
含有多种植物萃取精华,深层强健发丝。 还原洗发温和洁净秀发,同时补充水分改善发质。